...As we neared the south shore of the Bluffs, I noticed an oddity that I will not soon forget. It was some type of watercraft, billowing steam into the overcast sunset, while a pair of paddle-wheels, as I can best describe them, that appeared to be like two quartets of long oars arranged around an axle on each side of the vessel, whirled behind, pushing the dark metal beast on a meandering course westward. A large steam furnace and metal platform in front of it were held aloft by a pair of long pontoons. I've seen many a ship in my days along the shores of the archipelago, but this was quite unique. A beastly thing, quite frankly, something that Her Eternal Radiance, or what ever the Empress calls herself these days, would probably ban from the Sea of Secrets on the spot, merely due to its frightful unsightliness......As the plodding machine neared, on its way back to some Costa Preto Ancient Keepers shipyard presumably, its pilot became much more discernible, practically fighting to keep the vessel moving in a straight line. A young lass she was, with a shock of golden hair and a serene smile on her face, which from a distance seemed like it might be quite a lovely one. Across the greasy bow of the ship were a collection of fishing gear, and a bucket glinting in the rapidly fading sunlight. She was fishing and it looked like she'd had some success as she dropped from the steering wheel for a moment to inspect a fat, wet fish still flopping in her bucket. Knowing his passion for the fairer sex, I noted to my pilot that there might be some quite exquisite cargo on the odd monstrosity to our north..."'Oh, I've seen her before,' He remarked, craning his head to get a better look, while keeping an elbow on the steering wheel, 'She's a marilyn. A Geek.'<br> <br>'Tell me more,' I replied, squinting to see if I could discern any visible deformity. As we got closer, though, she only seemed more lovely, 'I don't believe you.' Russell sighed, while slowing the Moray to a stop for the moment, 'Old Man, if there's one thing I know about it's the female population of these little islands. She's a Geek. Trust me.'"...Rusty wandered over to the side of the boat and leaned over, taking a closer look, 'Mmmm. Yeah. I always see her on the way back from Mineral. She's always sunbathing on the rocks at Costa Preto. Never anywhere else, and always alone. Killer body. If the rocks weren't so treacherous down there, I'd try to swing closer...Well, she's got two hefty looking piefish in her bucket. She'll probably cook one for her family tonight, the other... She's got to cash it in somewhere, am I not right?"...Just in time. I hastened to Empire Avenue and into the main Fisheries Hall just as the marilyn was about to leave, still barefoot and carrying her pail. The serene, enchanting smile was gone however, replaced by one of the more adorable pouts I'd seen in quite some time. But this was not a time for shy adoration from afar. She was clutching a measly five clam bill in her other hand, obviously hoping for more, especially since that piefish was big enough to be identified from a runabout 120 meters away!<br><br>Such an injustice! Unfortunately all too typical for the thugs that masquerade as public servants these day. But this was not the time to reflect quietly about the sad state of the Empire either. It was time for action...""'You've just been given a mere five clams for a succulent piefish you caught off the Bluffs this afternoon.'<br><br> If her eyes could get any wider she could join the sideshow as the Owl Girl. She flushed, nodding, 'You're King Lucky, and you really DO know everything. Wow!' A warm smile was all I could muster, 'No, love. I didn't know your name did I? But I do know you can get more than five clams for a piefish these days. Follow me.'"...He almost groaned, but gathered himself, 'Look, Master. Maybe there is something wrong with it. I promise I will look into it. You don't want to cause trouble do you?' 'By all means, no!' 'Good, then why don't you accept 15 clams...'
Kyndra Lee, previously known to some as Kyndra Ambleton, is a geek princess of sorts who was discovered while fishing off the black beaches of Costa Preto and Springfield Bluffs. She is a cheerful and soft-spoken little dazzler who adores her best friend Andie Lee. She is known to have one of the most perfect female bodies in the entire archepelago and does not mind displaying it, even when she is not dancing or entertaining. |
